Event Details
Gillette Wyoming Ducks Unlimited Banquet
February 15th, 2025 at the Camplex- Central Pavilion
Join us for a fun actioned packed event!
Featuring games, raffles, silent auction and live auction.
We have a great selection of items from Local people, and Ducks Unlimited items to auction off this year!
Be sure to get your tickets to this event!
We have limited number of gun tables this year!
Gun Table cost $1300 includes 8 seats, dinners, memberships and some DU SWAG.
Table gun this year is: Weatherby VG Badlands 257 WBY

Make your table a Big Duck Table for another $300 and Receive a WYLD Gear 25qt Cooler
Reserved Table cost $600 includes 8 seats, dinners, memberships and DU SWAG.
Single ticket $50
Youth ticket $30
Check Out the 2025 Guns of the Year!
Beretta A400 28 ga

Marlin 1894 Classic .44 mag/.44 spc

Colt Python .357

Please buy tickets ahead of the event, very few tickets will be available at the event for this raffle
We will draw 1 winner per every 50 tickets sold:
(example: sell 1000 tickets there will be 20 winners)
Do not need to be present to win!
1 Ticket for $50
3 Tickets for $125
Winners will get to pick gun from a Incredible banner with over 150 options.
The more tickets we sell the more winners we will have!
Bucket raffles ticket packages available for resale!
8 tickets for $100
28 tickets for $300
50 tickets for $500
Ducks Unlimited • One Waterfowl Way • Memphis • 1.800.45.DUCKS • www.ducks.org
For more information please contact:
Jim Johnson 618.214.7251
Khristian Noble 406.853.5360
View more information for this event at Ducks Unlimited