Annual Turkey Trot

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 9:00am

Union Ridge Elementary School
330 N 5th Ave,

8th Annual Turkey Trot
Celebrate Thanksgiving with family, friends, and our Ridgefield community at the annual Ridgefield Public Schools Foundation Turkey Trot! It’s the perfect opportunity to slow down, enjoy time together, and kick off your holiday with a fun, active tradition.

Drumstick Dash:
Once again our Turkey Trot will feature a Drumstick Dash, a short run for our youngest participants ages 5 and under (not yet in kindergarten). We will make an announcement at 8:40 am for any children interested in participating to report to the starting line. The Drumstick Dash will begin at 8:45 am.

5K Fun Run, Walk
Our main event, the 5K run/walk, will get started at 9 am. Those who are planning to run should position themselves at the front of the crowd, closest to the starting line. Walkers, please make way for runners who are trying to move to the front. There is no official timer for our fun run/walk event, so those interested in knowing their finish times should plan to use their own watches to time themselves. For safety, please keep in mind that at certain points on the route you may be asked to stop for vehicle traffic (vehicles have the right of way during the Turkey Trot) so finish times could be impacted.

Regitsrtaion Fees:
Turkey Trot - 5K Adult - Individual Age group/open $35.00
Turkey Trot - 5K RSD Staff - Employees of the Ridgefield School District $25.00
Turkey Trot - 5K Child - Ages Kindergarten - Senior in High School $20.00
Drumstick Dash (registration includes participation in the main Turkey Trot event) - Preschool (Not Yet in Kindergarten) $10.00

Click Here For Registration Information

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