Florida's Birding and Photo Fest

Thursday, Apr 24, 2025 at 6:15am

Various locations in Saint Augustine, FL

The 2025 festival will feature the return of festival favorites, world-class photographers along with new professionals and instructors who will offer technical training opportunities and more birding in-field programs than ever before.

Schedule Of events

Photoqraphinq Horses on the Beach at Sunrise, Brett Wells - 6:15 -8:30am

Shorebird Photography at Matanzas Inlet, Dawn Wilson - 6:30 -8:00am

Sunrise Boat Excursion with St. Augustine Ecotours - 6:30 -8:30am

Captivatinq Bird Photoqraphy at the St. Auqustine Alliqator Farm, David Akoubian - 7:00 -9:00am

Masterinq Manual Exposure for Bird Photoqraphy. Lee Hoy - 8:00 - 10:00am

Coffee Social - 9:00 - 10:00am

Choosing Your Next Camera - The Best Fit for Your Needs - and the Best Choice for you, Joe Brady- 10:00 - 11:30AM

PART 1: Photographing Textures, Abstracts and Intentional Camera Movement (ICM), Lisa Langell and Dan Walters 10:00 - 11:30AM

Identifying Birds Found Near Water in St. Augustine, Linda Burek 10:00 - 11:30AM

Hands on Macro Photoqraphy. Brett Wells - 10:00 - 12:30pm
Tamron USA - 12:00 - 1:00pm

Get Orqanized (or Reorqanized!) in Liqhtroom Classic. Joe Brady - 1 - 00 -2:30pm

A Florida Insider's Guide to Great Places to Photoqraph Birds in Florida. Jack Roqers - 1 - 00 -2:30pm

Close-Up and Personal: Joys of Macro Photoqraphy. Todd Nettelhorst - 1 - 00 -2:30pm

The Decisive Moment in Wildlife Photoqraphy. David Akoubian - 1 - 00 -2:30pm

Nature's Narrative: A Friends of GTM Guided Hike and Video Screeninq - 1 - 00 -4:00pm

iPhone Photoqraphy Mastery: Advanced Techniques forStunninq Shots. Diane Bollen - 3 - 00 -4:30pm

Photos and Words: Gettinq published in bird maqazines. Dawn Wilson - 3 - 00 -4:30pm

Light. Color and Composition. Lewis Kemper - 3 - 00 -4:30pm

Hands On Close-Up and Personal: Joys of Macro Photoqraphy, Todd Nettelhorst - 3 - 00 - 5:00pm

Masterinq Depth of Field while Photoqraphinq Wildlife. Martin Culpepper - 3 - 00 - 5 :00pm

PART 2: Photoqraphinq Textures. Abstracts and Intentional Camera Movement (ICM). Lisa Lanqell and Dan Walters - 4 - 00 -7:00pm

Freezinq the Action at the St. Auqustine Alliqator Farm. Mike Amico - 4 - 30 -7:30pm

Photoqraphinq Birds at Anastasia State Park, Linda Burek - 5 - 00 - 7:00pm

Sunset Boat Excursion with St. Auqustine Ecotours - 6 - 00 -8:00pm

Owl Prowl. Ayolane Halusky - 7:00 -9:00pm



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