Florida's Birding and Photo Fest

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 6:15am

Various locations in Saint Augustine, FL

The 2025 festival will feature the return of festival favorites, world-class photographers along with new professionals and instructors who will offer technical training opportunities and more birding in-field programs than ever before.

Schedule Of events

Photoqraphinq Horses on the Beach at Sunrise, Caleb Hoover, Martin Culpepper and Will Misner - 6:15 -8:30am

Birds and Beach Photoqraphy with an open, creative mind. Lisa Lanqell and Dan Walters - 6:15 -8:30am

Sunrise Boat Excursion with St. Auqustine Ecotours - 6:30 -8:30am

Photoqraphinq Florida Native Raptors, Jack Roqers - 6:30 -8:30am

Capturinq Visually Compellinq Bird in Fliqht Imaqes, Lee Hoy - 7:00 - 10:00am

Bird Identification and Photoqraphinq Birds Near Water at the GTM, Linda Burek - 7:30 -9:30am

Hidden in History: Abstract and Pattern Photoqraphy Walk, Todd Nettelhorst - 8:00 - 11:00am

Throuqh the Lens: Explorinq History, Architecture, and Intricate Details at Flaqler Colleqe. Brett Wells - 9:00 - 11:00am

Fotopro USA. Joe Brady - 9:00 - 10:00am

Orqanizinq and Backinq Up Your iPhone Photos: Masterinq the Photos App, Diane Bollen - 10:00 - 11:00am

Whoopinq Cranes: Glimpse of a Rare Bird, Alyce Bender - 10:00 - 11:00am

Post Processinq tips for wildlife and nature: Submit your imaqes, Lisa Lanqell and Dan Walters - 10:00 - 12:00pm

Avian Reconditioninq Center - Birds of Prey - 12:00 - 1:00pm

Gettinq Prints that Match the Imaqe on Your Monitor - diqital color workflow for consistently qreat results!, Joe Brady - 12:00 - 3:00pm

Bird Photoqraphy in an Urban Settinq, Caleb Hoover - 1 - 00 -2:30PM

PART 1 Expanding your Creativity with Time/Motion Techniques, Lewis Kemper-1:00 - 2:30PM

A Better Kind of Image Review: Submit your images, Lisa Langell and Dan Walters 1:00 - 3:00PM

Vanquard Tripods and Diqiscopinq. Todd Nettelhorst - 2 - 30 -3:30PM

Photoqraphinq Backlit Birds, Jennifer Leiqh Warner Puffins, Waterfalls, and Glaciers: A Guide to Bird and Nature
Photoqraphy in Iceland. Jack Roqers - 3 3 - 00 -4:30PM 00 -4:30PM

Fundamentals of Photoqraphy, Brett Wells Artistic Photoqraphy with iPhone: Unleash Your Creative Vision. Diane Bollen - 3 3 - 00 -4:30PM 30 - 5:00PM

PART 2 Expandinq your Creativity with Time/Motion Techniques. Lewis Kemper - 3 - 30 -5:30PM

Freezinq the Action at the St. Auqustine Alligator Farm. Mike Amico - 4 - 30 - 7:30PM

Keynote Reception: The Art of Connection - Buildinq Emotional Depth Throuqh PhotoqraDhv. Lisa Lanqell - 6 - 00 -8:30PM

Sunset Boat Excursion with St. Auqustine Ecotours - 6:00 -8:00pm



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