Lindsborg Saint Lucia Festival

Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

Bethany Lutheran Church
320 North Main

The legend of Saint Lucia tells the story of a young girl, clad in a white gown with a red sash, her head surrounded by a halo of light, who appeared to bring hope, warmth and food to those in need during a time of famine in Sweden.

The Lindsborg Saint Lucia Festival is a beautiful and important celebration during the holiday season. Lindsborg’s traditional festival will be celebrated on Saturday, December 9. The Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancers will host the festival event by providing Swedish folk dancing performances downtown and on the Bethany Lutheran Church lawn. A church service honoring Saint Lucia will also take place with Lucia serving ginger cookies and coffee among the crowd. There will be many other activities going on throughout the downtown area as well.

Saint Lucia and Star Boys as well as other senior members will be downtown serving refreshments throughout the day. The organization will also be hosting a Swedish bake sale in the Courtyard from 10:00am-2:00pm with all proceeds being donated to TACOL (The Associated Churches of Lindsborg), in the true Saint Lucia custom of giving to others.