New Year's Fest

Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 6:00pm

Downtown Kalamazoo

New Year's Fest is an all-ages performing arts festival that takes place on New Year's Eve in Downtown Kalamazoo. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and runs until 12 a.m. to ring in the New Year.  The event features bands, comedians, magicians, ventriloquists, jugglers, and even super heroes and princesses. And, to top it off at midnight there is a ball drop and fireworks. It's indeed a celebration.   

The event features about 22 performances that are repeated throughout the night for a total of 70+ shows. Performances are scheduled for 4-30 minute or 3-45 minute performances that rotate throughout the night.  This allows attendees to schedule their attendance based on when they can/want to attend within their time frame. So, that means that  you can come for a couple of shows, one show, or try to schedule to see up to 5 shows.  In early December there is a schedule grid that allow you to make your own evening's entertainment schedule.

The 2024 New Year's Fest will host performances in 5 indoor performance locations, 1 heated tents, and live music from Bronson Park Stage. You need an admission button to attend the shows in the performance spaces. The outdoor live stage, fireworks, and ball drop are all free.  So is participating and riding the Holly Jolly Trolley.

The full entertainer line up with pictures, bios, schedule times, and locations is typically ready by the middle of November.  This information is found under the Entertainment Tab. So, check back so you can learn about our entertainment and determine who you want to see. And, if you have kids coming along with you - check out the "Great for the Family" tab where you will see entertainment for kids.