Turkey Stampede

Thursday, Nov 28, 2024 at 8:30am

Elkhart Health & Aquatics Center
200 East Jackson Blvd

We are so excited to host our 16th race! Thank you to US Business Systems for being our 2024 presenting sponsor

A family event for a family day!  Thanksgiving is such a wonderful family time!  And a time of gratitude for all we have!

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28 @ 8:30 am at the Elkhart Health & Aquatics Center, 200 East Jackson, Elkhart IN.

PLEASE ARRIVE BEFORE 8:00 AM on race day

10K starts first at 8:30am, 5K at 8:35am, and the Mile Walk at 8: 38am following as soon as the 5K people are through the gates.

Pricing includes timed race entry fee for 10K and 5K, (The Mile walk is untimed), finisher medals for all who want them, and post race refreshments.  Custom shirts are optional and an additional $15.

Come join us in the morning for some fresh air and movement, before your family festivities!  This is NOT intended to take up your entire morning- just come out- be with the community -  move a bit, work up an appetite and then get back to your plans! Remember to look out for those folks who might not have a place to go on Thanksgiving- and invite them to participate with you!  

ATTN GROUPS: We LOVE groups! If you have a group of people (3 or more) you can register everyone all at once. Create a group name. One person can come to packet pickup and get the entire package of bibs/shirts/ etc. If you are having a group, please register by Friday, November 22, 2024 so that we have time to put the group bundles together. NOTE: You must give your group a name in order for our system to pull your people together. Our system doesn't recognize you as a group if you just sign up multiple people.

If you need help with setting up your group, just send us an email or give us a call.

Click Here For Registration:

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