Bradley Kountry Acres

650 Jake Link Road

About Us:

As with any farming operation, changes must come.  In 1996 after milking grade A for more than thirty years,  a family decision was made to sell our dairy herd and move on to other farm enterprises.  We planted our first crop of pick-your-own strawberries that year and in 1997 opened our first greenhouse for bedding plants.  Since that time, we've added two additional greenhouses, increased our strawberry crop to five acres and have available other fruit and vegetable crops for our customers.  We feel visitors can enjoy their trip to our farm, not only to be able to pick fresh strawberries and choose spring bedding plants for their homes, but also to be able to get away for a few hours and enjoy a peaceful and not-so-rushed trip to the country.  And by the way, children are always welcome here at the farm!!

Springtime brings our strawberry season.  We open for picking mid-April and stay open until the mid-June.   We're open Monday thru Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday - 1:00  p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Of course, this is subject to weather conditions and availability of strawberries.)  We have four strawberry varieties to choose from for picking.  These include Sweet Charlie, Chandler, Darselect and Earliglow.  All of these varieties are good for fresh eating and freezing.   Also, while you are visiting the farm,  you may want to visit our greenhouses to choose your spring bedding plants, hanging baskets, and Boston ferns.  Our pick-your-own blackberry crop and peach crop is usually ready by July  and by that time you can take home field grown tomatoes and other fresh vegetables.

Fal1 brings our mum crop and pumpkins.  Our mums are grown here on the farm and are ready to sell September through October.  Our pumpkins, ornamental gourds, and other fall decorating items are also ready by that time.
