Ducks Unlimited - Jackson Hole Sponsor Banquet

Ducks Unlimited - Jackson Hole Sponsor Banquet

Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 4:00pm
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Split Creek Ranch
Jackson WY 83001

View more information for this event at Ducks Unlimited

Event Details

Jackson Hole Sponsor Dinner

Thursday, May 30th 2024
Event starts at 4:00pm

This event will be held at the beautiful Split Creek Ranch,
8125 N. Split Creek Road, Jackson, WY 83001

Dinner catered by Edge Wyld:

Bruschetta Appetizer, Signature Salad with Burrata

Grilled Ribeye and Salmon, Grilled Vegetables, Smashed Fingerling Potatoes

Strawberry Shortcake or Pie selection

Open bar with a nice selection!


      4:00pm--Gather at the "Saloon" for cocktails
                                         4:20pm--Welcome nature walk and wildlife tour around Split Creek Ranch to take in the wildlife and beauty of the ranch
                                           5:00pm--Return to the "Saloon" for cocktails and appetizers; Silent Auction and Raffles Silent
6:00pm--Dinner served
 7:00pm--conclusion of Silent Auction; Raffle drawings

A Wyoming and Teton County DU conservation update will follow dinner


We look forward to hosting you at the Split Creek Ranch for our Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Event!

Ticket price includes a $250 Bronze Sponsorship, dinner, and drinks.

Single ticket--$400
Couple's ticket--$500

We will also offer a ticket package that will not include the Bronze Sponsorship
Single ticket $150
Couple's ticket $250

For more information contact:
Robert Hathaway 307.221.2061
Dax Deshazo 479.651.0569

 We will have a few nice DU items up for auction along with some very nice locally donated items.
Here is some of the trips we will have available to bid one:
The Vacation Passport - HGA VACATIONS
This is a trip for two and winners will have 24 months to decide to travel to one of the following locations- Tuscany, Jamaica, Sedona or a Kentucky Bourbon Tour

Rooster Ridge Pheasant hunt in Chamberlain SD
Argentina Red Stag Hunt
David Denies Dove Hunt

We look forward to seeing you on the 30th!

View more information for this event at Ducks Unlimited