Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 4:00pm
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Split Creek Ranch
Jackson WY 83001
Jackson Hole Sponsor Dinner
Thursday, May 30th 2024
Event starts at 4:00pm
This event will be held at the beautiful Split Creek Ranch,
8125 N. Split Creek Road, Jackson, WY 83001
Dinner catered by Edge Wyld:
Bruschetta Appetizer, Signature Salad with Burrata
Grilled Ribeye and Salmon, Grilled Vegetables, Smashed Fingerling Potatoes
Strawberry Shortcake or Pie selection
Open bar with a nice selection!
4:00pm--Gather at the "Saloon" for cocktails
4:20pm--Welcome nature walk and wildlife tour around Split Creek Ranch to take in the wildlife and beauty of the ranch
5:00pm--Return to the "Saloon" for cocktails and appetizers; Silent Auction and Raffles Silent
6:00pm--Dinner served
7:00pm--conclusion of Silent Auction; Raffle drawings
A Wyoming and Teton County DU conservation update will follow dinner
We look forward to hosting you at the Split Creek Ranch for our Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Event!
Ticket price includes a $250 Bronze Sponsorship, dinner, and drinks.
Single ticket--$400
Couple's ticket--$500
We will also offer a ticket package that will not include the Bronze Sponsorship
Single ticket $150
Couple's ticket $250
For more information contact:
Robert Hathaway 307.221.2061
Dax Deshazo 479.651.0569