Helpful Archery Resources

By Taylor Walston

The archery world is a welcoming one, which means that every major archery entity provides helpful online resources for anyone looking to get started in the sport. Review the list below for a comprehensive guide to resources from Archery 360, NFAA, S3DA, USA Archery and World Archery that will help archers and coaches find the material they need.

Archery 360


Find an archery range or shop by searching your zip code. Photo Credit: Archery 360


Store Locator

  • A map of every ATA-member archery shop and retailer in the United States. You can filter for lessons, ranges, coaching, equipment and club activities.

Archery 101

  • A comprehensive resource page with links to helpful articles for the beginning archer.

Ultimate Beginners Guide to Archery

  • Another comprehensive article with information on trying archery, buying equipment, finding lessons and more.

Browse Articles

  • Archery 360 provides articles on a variety of topics including tournaments, scoring, equipment guides, instructional resources, skills improvement, interviews with professional archers and more.

National Field Archery Association



NFAA Learning Series

  • A playlist of YouTube videos that teaches NFAA fundamentals and all about scoring.

NFAA Indoor Archery Handicap Calculator

  • Clicking on the link above will open a download for an Excel sheet that has a helpful table to show you what your archery handicap should be. An archery handicap is a number that shows you how far off the highest score you are. Indoor leagues often use handicaps to make scoring among participants fair, as leagues tend to have archers of varying skill levels.

NFAA Online Publications

  • A hub for NFAA’s online archery magazines.

Scholastic 3D Archery


S3DA offers a list of every college that has an archery program and whether they offer scholarships. Photo credit: S3DA


College Opportunities

  • A comprehensive list of every college that offers an archery program, including which schools have archery scholarships.

Online Flipbook

  • An online magazine with a plethora of information on S3DA.

USA Archery


Search for a USA Archery club near you. Photo Credit: USA Archery


Resource Center

  • A hub for USA Archery tournament information, schedules, results and more.

Support Your Archery Journey

  • Information and resources on crowdsourcing funds. This is a great resource for those looking to fundraise for club, tournament and equipment fees for an individual archer or on behalf of a club or team.

Virtual Symposium

  • The USA Archery Virtual Symposium gives athletes, coaches, parents and club leaders access to industry experts in a range of topics including marketing, periodization of training, strength and conditioning, tuning, managing performance anxiety, better understanding skill acquisition and motor learning, and being able to coach different athletes. USA Archery’s website reflects information for the 2023 Symposium. Check back for more information. Fees are required for attendance.

Find a Club

  • Find a USA Archery club near you.

Education Hub and App for Coaches

  • Course materials are available for USA Archery Level 1, 2 and 3.

World Archery


World Archery has just launched an archery-centric streaming platform. Photo Credit: Archery+


Archery 360: Archery Explained

  • A playlist of informational YouTube videos that Archery 360 created in collaboration with World Archery. They cover everything a beginner needs to know about every discipline of archery.

Latest News

  • A hub for all of World Archery’s articles with relevant news and information.

Archery+ Docuseries: Target [Paris]

  • This is a docuseries on World Archery’s brand-new streaming platform Archery+. It will feature four professional archers and their journey to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Viewers will get an inside look at everything it takes to prepare for the Olympic Games. Archery+ is a paid streaming service.

Taking Aim Podcast

  • World Archery just launched its Taking Aim series on its new streaming platform Archery+. The podcasts will cover all the elements of the mental side of archery, including visualization, stress management, confidence and target panic.

It’s Go Time!

We hope you feel confident, motivated and inspired to hit the range after checking out all of the valuable resources in this article. Visit our store locator to put everything you’ve learned into motion.

The post Helpful Archery Resources appeared first on Archery 360.