Alta Snowflake Festival

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 at 6:15pm

Alta Ski Area
10010 Little Cottonwood Canyon Rd

Alta Biathlon

This year will be our 11th Alta Biathlon! How the years have past and how wonderful each biathlon has been. This event could never happen without the support of the Alta Ski Patrol and Amazing Ski and Snow People. Tshirt design by Neil Howard. Free to watch - Base area of Alta Ski Area

Fine Details
No Compound Bows
Participants must have : LCC affiliation (employee, season pass holder, or Moqui approval), Experience shooting a bow and arrow OR attend at least 1 training session Prior To Race Day

Training Clinics :
(For all participants): March 24 through March 26, 2025
5:30 to 6:30 pm at Landing Zone 1 (West End of Transfer Tow)

Day Of Race
5:15 pm: Pick up Bib
5:30 pm: Practice Shooting Round (6 arrows each)
6:15 pm: Race Start at West end of Transfer Tow.
7:30 pm: Awards ceremony, pizza, etc

Individual Open Division

3 laps to Snake Pit/ 4 chances to hit 3 scores each lap

Competition Categories :

Start Order (30 second intervals)
Junior Relays
Adult Relays
Open Women
Open Men

For open men and women:

1 Penalty Lap Around Wildcat Ticket Office For Each Missed Arrow. Finish Is Via Penalty Lap Route Around Wildcat Ticket Office (Wto)

For relays:

One Minute Penalty Added For Each Missed Arrow. If you make all arrows, you must finish around WTO. If you need to complete penalty laps, you must ALSO make an additional lap around WTO to finish.

Relay Division - Teams Of Three

Competition Categories :

Junior (12 and under) 1 lap to Jump Hill Crossing/4 arrows each participant, All adult divisions 1 lap to Snake Pit/4 arrows each participant
Pioneer (60+)

Start Order (30 second intervals)

Junior Relays
Adult Relays
Open Women/Men


In place of penalty laps for missed arrows, 1 MINUTE will be added to race time for each missed arrow. However, route to RELAY ZONE/FINISH is via PENALTY LAP ROUTE around WTO. Waiting relay team members please keep area in front of Wildcat Ticket Office clear during the race. Relay zone is in the start area, close to the transfer tow bull wheel.

Cost : $36 Individual/ Teams $108

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