Atlanta Game Fest

Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 at 11:00am

Hilton Atlanta Northeast
5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd

Celebrating our 21st year, Atlanta Game Fest is a chance for boardgame fans to gather, socialize, see old friends (as well as make new ones) and really stretch out and get in four full days of fun and games. We get a great group of friendly folks who make getting into a game easy. There will also be an extensive selection of the games folks are most interested in playing now, since they went to the trouble of bringing them for play.

Schedule of Events

11am-12pm Flea Market
The flea market is a great chance for folks to clear out some shelf space and get those unplayed games back into circulation. Remember, an unplayed game is an unhappy game. The flea market is free for all members; however, dealers may not sell new games at the flea market. Masks will be required during the flea market.

Selling games at the flea market is free (with your membership). There is no additional charge. However, if you have a lot of games to sell at the flea market you can reserve a table for $20. You can register and pay when you pick up your badge.

noon Roborally
Cube. Leon. Be there! (Meet at registration)

1pm - 4pm (16 players, 4 tables)
The 2025 Georgia State Rebel Princess Championship
Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and many other fairy tale princesses are celebrating a five-day party. The prince charmings, who have not been invited, will try to infiltrate the ball to propose marriage to the girls. As a princess, you have to avoid marriage proposals and remain single and independent after the celebrations. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the Southeast Regional Championship at CharCon 2025 (as well as a free badge to CharCon 2025)!

3pm - 6PM
The 2025 U.S. National Bicycle Euchre Championship Qualifier (16 Players)
The United States Playing Card Company and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Euchre Championship at Gen Con 2025. Strict Hoyle rules will be used for partnership Euchre. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winning team will receive trophies and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Euchre Championship at Gen Con 2025 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2025!). You can enter with an established partner or find one at the event.

4pm - 7pm (12 players, 4 tables)
The 2025 Georgia State boop. Championship A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players. Every time you place a kitten on the bed, it goes "boop." Which is to say that it pushes every other kitten on the board one space away. Line up three kittens in a row to graduate them into cats… and then, get three cats in a row to win. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the Southeast Regional Championship at CharCon 2025 (as well as a free badge to CharCon 2025)!

5pm - 8PM
The 2025 U.S. National Munchkin Championship Qualifier (24 players)
Steve Jackson Games and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Munchkin Championship at Gen Con 2025. Slightly modified tournament rules for standard Munchkin play, no expansions. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winner will receive a trophy and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Munchkin Championship at Gen Con 2025 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2025!).

6pm - 9pm (16 players, 4 tables)
The 2025 Georgia State Cat in the Box Championship
The quintessential quantum trick-taking card game for cool cats, where your card's color isn't defined until you play it! Hypothesize how many tricks you will win, and record your bid. Place tokens on the community research board as you play your hand, and connect large groups of tokens to score even more points. Plan your tricks carefully as you cannot claim the color of a card with the same number that has already been declared. Doing so would be pawsitively catastrophic as you have just created a paradox! The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the Southeast Regional Championship at CharCon 2025 (as well as a free badge to CharCon 2025)!

6pm-12am Werewolf!
Folks from Werewolf ATL will be here to run sessions Friday and Saturday night. Experienced players and newcomers welcome.

7pm - 10pm (16 players, 4 tables)
The 2025 Georgia State Bohnanza Championship Plant, then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards, and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type of beans in the deck. You can't rearrange the order of cards in hand, so you must use them in the order that you've picked them up from the deck - unless you can trade them to other players, which is the heart of the game. The winner of this tournament will get a trophy, a copy of the game, plus a seat at the final round of the Southeast Regional Championship at CharCon 2025 (as well as a free badge to CharCon 2025)!

7pm - 10pm (16 Players)
The 2025 U.S. National Bicycle Hearts Championship Qualifier The United States Playing Card Company and Double Exposure present an official qualifier for the U.S. National Hearts Championship at Gen Con 2025. Strict Hoyle rules will be used for single-player Hearts. Two preliminary rounds followed by Elimination rounds. The winner will receive a trophy and a free entry into the first elimination round of the U.S. National Hearts Championship at Gen Con 2025 (plus a free 4-day badge for Gen Con 2025!).

View all events in the White Sulphur Springs area