Augusta Plein Air Art Festival

Monday, Apr 28, 2025 at 7:30am

735 Matson Hill Road

Morning with Alpacas

The Midwest Alpacas Owners and Breeders Association is the “alpaca place” to be in the Midwest! Our members are unified in their love of these beautiful animals and work together to promote the highest standards of animal husbandry for alpaca farmers. Join us as we work together and Live it, Learn it, and Love it! Welcome Visitors: Artist’s Paint Out at Midwest Alpacas starts at 10:30am with judging at 11:00 am. The public is invited to view the art as it is being created, Midwest Alpacas is a family-owned farm in Defiance Missouri. Our beautiful Farm is home to our fun-loving Alpacas.

Artist Details:

Artists check in at 7:30 AM, judging 11:00AM, with art viewing and sales to follow. Not only will the Artists find breath taking views of the farm, the Alpacas and other animals will be on hand to inspire you.

View all events in the Defiance area