Big Rapids Festival of The Arts

Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 at 11:00am

Various Venues in Big Rapids, MI

Schedule Of Events

11:00am : From Analog to Digital Double

What happens when Professor Luke Hedman takes his kids to the Card/Riley Center? They take animals home, of course! Using state of the art technology, they digitally scan the specimen and 3D print a copy of it at an adorable miniature scale. Join us at the Card/Riley Center to learn the process. Professor Hedman, Program Coordinator for Product Design Engineering Technology at Ferris State University’s School of Engineering and Computing Technology, will lead a demonstration of the process, from scan to print. Guests will learn how this technology works, see it in action, and take home a 3D-printed miniature specimen of their own!

Location : Card/Riley Conservation and Wildlife Education Center

7:00pm : Vintage Vibes In Concert

Vintage Vibes burst onto the scene this past November with their Rock and Roll Heaven show at Ferris State University, and now they’re back with more great music from the 1960s and ‘70s. Members of Vintage Vibes, including vocalist Dan Atwood, guitarist Zach Potter, Matt Moresi on keyboards, Dan Cronk on bass, and drummer Max Griffith, have toured the country performing with Rock and Roll legends, including The Temptations, The Monkees, The Drifters, The Platters, and many others - and now is your change to see them live! Sing, dance, or just sit back and be entertained by one of West Michigan’s newest and most experienced professional show bands. While there is no admission fee for the concert, donations towards Ferris State University’s newly-reinstated Marching Band will be gratefully accepted and greatly appreciated!

Location : Immanuel Lutheran Church

7:00pm : "Wit" - A Play by Margaret Edson

In this extraordinary play, Margaret Edson has created a work that is as intellectually challenging as it is emotionally immediate. At the start of Wit, Vivian Bearing, a renowned professor of English who has spent years studying and teaching the brilliantly difficult Holy Sonnets of the metaphysical poet John Donne, has been diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Her approach to her illness is not unlike her approach to the study of Donne: aggressively probing and intensely rational. But during the course of her illness-and her stint as a prize patient in an experimental chemotherapy program at a major teaching hospital – Vivian comes to reassess her life and her work with a profundity and humor that are transformative both for her and for the audience. Wit explores not only the physical effects of aggressive treatment for terminal illnesses, but also the need for those involved in the care of their patients to remember and honor human dignity. It can be easy for those in the medical field to see their patients as only a collection of numbers and data, of test results and laboratory findings, while forgetting that human compassion is ultimately what can bring their patients the most comfort. This script has tremendous educational value for those who are currently in healthcare, or who are studying to enter the field of health care.

Location : Artworks, Lower Gallery

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