Bootlegger 50K

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 at 7:30am

Bootleg Canyon Mountain Bike Park
900 Canyon Road

Don't forget to hit up our great vendors at the event! Limitless will be out working through your aches and pains, while Trashy Trail Runners will be helping us keep our waste down on site

For just $5 bucks added to your registration fee, Limitless will hook you up with some post race recovery. 

Be sure to check out what Trashy Trail Runners and Limitless are all about by clicking on their logos above

The Bootlegger 25k/50k, as most trail runners know it, started as a foot race first organized by Josh Brimhall, Shad Mickleberry, and Ian Torrance in 2011. However, Bootleg Canyon has a rich and interesting history. Originally a Native American trail, Bootleg Canyon received its namesake from the Bootleggers who creeped along this backdoor access point to distill "hooch" in the stills and arroyos before transporting the alcohol into the dry town of Boulder City and eventually to the workers at the dam on the Colorado River. 

Bootlegger will once again be a USATF 

sanctioned event this year! 

Come out and run the Hooch Highway with us!

We hope you'll join us for blue skies and cool breezes this spring as we run by the arroyos and stills that remind us of the illicit desert dwellers who once trekked these canyons. Battle born and resilient souls live on in this arid landscape of sharp rock and creosote bush.

Event Schedule:

50k - 7:30am

25k - 8:00am

Half - 9:00am

10k - 9:30am

5k - 10:00am


25k and 50k Course

The 25k is a roughly 15 mile course that travels counter clockwise around the entirety of Bootleg Canyon. You should expect to climb 2200' over those 15 miles. The terrain is sharp and rugged; you should expect to be fully exposed to weather conditions while on course.

The 50k is two loops of the 25k course and is roughly 31 miles. You should expect to climb about 4400' over rugged trails and full exposure to weather conditions.

We expect the weather will be very comfortable for most of the day. You might bring a jacket just in case!

​5k, 10k, Half Course

The 5k course is the same course from Blood, Sweat, and Beers. The course will take runners up Girl Scout and down East Leg.

​The 10k course is the same course from Blood, Sweat, and Beers. The course will take runners up the switchbacks of Red Canyon then around Skyline and down East Leg.  

​The Half is the same course from Blood, Sweet, and Beers. The course follows much of the 10k course, but also includes a tour of the west side trails! 

Click Here For Registration:

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