Coopers Rock 50 km and Half Marathon Trail Race

Saturday, Apr 26, 2025 at 7:00am

Coopers Rock State Forest
61 County Line Drive

This is a rocky, challenging, and scenic trail race at Coopers Rock State Forest in north central West Virginia.  The 50 km course covers nearly every trail on the south side of the forest, features several scenic overlooks of the Cheat Canyon and Cheat Lake, towering boulder formations, and has 5000 feet of elevation gain.  The half marathon (21 km) course is a shorter version of the same trails and has 2000 feet of elevation gain.  There are no repeating loops on either the 50 km or half marathon course.

Awards:  Awards will be given to the top 3 men and women finishers of each race.  There will not be a formal awards ceremony.  Awards will be given out as the top finishers cross the finish line.  All finishers will receive a finisher’s memento that is customized with race graphics.

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