Dale Fall Fest

Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 at 7:00am

Various Venue in Dale

This year's Dale Fall Festival, will offer a virtual smorgasbord of food, enough to satisfy everyone's tastes and appetites.  At the top of the list is the Fall Festival's famous grilled pork chop and fried chicken dinners, followed by Gus burgers (hamburgers), grilled chicken breast sandwiches, pronto pups, bratwurst, BBQ sandwiches, smacked BBQ nachos, french fries, walking tacos, baked potatoes, lemon shake-ups and, for those who like sweets, elephant ears, soft ice cream, milk shakes, pie by the slice, taffy, snow cones, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, caramel apple slices and more.


7 - 9:30am - Breakfast Served by Spencer County Habitat (Gus Burger Stand)

7:00am - 5k Walk/Run (Former EMT Building)

9:00am - Children's Pet Parade (Large Basketball Court)

9:30am - Cake Walk (Small Basketball Court)

9:30 - 11am - Children's Games (Former EMT Building)

10:00am - Grounds Open

10:00am - Sand Volleyball Tournament (Northeast Corner of Park)

11 - 1:30pm - Grilled Pork Chop & Fried Chicken Dinners Served (Close For Parade)

11:30am - Silly Safaris Live Animal Show (Large Basketball Court)

12-2:00pm - "Seth Thomas" (Center Park Stage)

2:00pm - Parade (Grand Marshal "Steve Lemen")

3:30pm - Grilled Pork Chop & Fried Chicken Dinners Served (Until Sold Out)

3:30pm - Carnival Rides Open by Bluegrass Rides

3:30pm - Cincinnati Circus (Reckelhoff Feeds Lot) NEW

3:30 - 7pm - "Jed Guillaume & Sweet Water" Band (Center Park Stage)

4:00pm - Carter Fire District Jr Firefighters Competition (Reckelhoff Feeds Lot)

4:00pm - Bingo (Northeast Corner of Park)

4:00pm - Home Run Derby (Community Center Ball Park)

4:00pm - Cornhole Tournament (Large Basketball Court)

4 - 6:00pm - "Dispel" Band (Beer Garden)

5:00pm - Cincinnati Circus (Reckelhaff Feeds Lot) NEW

5:30pm - Water-Ball Competition (Wallace Street, West of Reckelhoff Feeds)   

5:30pm - Horseshoe Tournament (Northeast Corner of Park)

1:00pm - Cincinnati Circus (Reckelhoff Feeds Lot)

8 - 11:00pm - "Studebaker" Band (Center Park Stage) NEW

8 - 11:00pm - "Derek Jones and the 50 South" Band (Beer Garden) NEW

10:30 - Half-pot Drawing

Antique Farm Machinery Display - Friday & Saturday at Reckelhoff Feeds Lot

Bingo Starts at 5 pm Friday & 4 pm Saturday

Cincinnati Circus - Friday & Saturday

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