Earth Fest at the University of Wisconsin–Madison will bring together all things environment and sustainability and unite our campus over the one resource and interest we all share: our world. Dive into groundbreaking research or dig in the dirt at community gardens. Sift and winnow the latest research or sort and filter recyclables. Make career connections for your future or master sustainable techniques for your home.
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Ecopoetry Workshop at 280 Science Hall
Ecopoet and nonfiction writer Heather Swan will be hosting an ecopoetry writing workshop. All levels welcome! Please bring a notebook and pen or pencil.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Plants for the Apocalypse III at D.C. Smith Greenhouse
What kind of plants would you want around for the end of the world? Plants are our partners in life and in death. They signal the coming of the apocalypse, heal us and harm us, provide nourishment through extreme experiences, or help us cope with our mental health in challenging ecological times. We will explore the entanglements of plant-human-environment relationships through the lenses of the four horsemen of the apocalypse: death, war, famine, and plague. What can we, as human participants, learn from these relationships through space and time? Drop in to hear from UW-Madison community members about these multi-dimensional perspectives that can affect the health of humans and non-humans alike.
7:30 pm: Earth Signals at Collins Recital Hall, Hamel Music Center
We are exploring tropical Pacific climate through sound. This concert will include both science explanations of tropical Pacific climate and newly composed music inspired by this science topic. This event is part of Elizabeth Maroon’s NSF CAREER award.