Festival Of Birds

Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 5:30am

Various Venue in Detroit Lakes


5:15-5:30 am: Registration at M State College West Parking Lot, 900 Hwy 34 East, Detroit Lakes
5:30-11:30 am: Separate field trips by coach bus to Rothsay Complex (full) /Warblers and Wildflowers at Smoky Hills State Park/Lof Woods (full)
11:45 am-1 pm: Lunch and Learn workshop at M State with Margie Menzies, Eyes on the Skies
3-4:45 pm: Birders Bazaar at M State College, Silent Auction 3-4:15 pm
5-6 pm: Dinner in M State Cafeteria, 900 Hwy 34 East, Detroit Lakes
6-7 pm: Keynote by Don Kroodsma, The Joy of Listening: Birdsong is Pure Magic, M State Conference Center

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