Sunday, Jun 1, 2025 at 1:00pm
Themed Weekends:
Closing Weekend
Flights of Fantasy
As the Festival comes to a close, residents of the fairy realm will make the trek to Newcastle to share their magic with us.
Be on the lookout for magical creatures of all sorts.
It's our last weekend - Come out and get one last turkey legge, grab that special treasure you've had your eye on, and see your favorite show. After this weekend, we're history.
Fantastic Creatures Costume Contest
1:00pm in the Joust Arena
Join in with assorted fairies, goblins, wizards, pixies, and other magical creatures to put a spell on the Festival and possibly win a prize.
Barely Balanced Acrobatic Daredevils
They're back, diving through fire, hurling machetes, and testing the limits of natural selection Don't miss seeing your favorite acrobats endanger their lives in this hilarious, award winning show. The day starts with their "Sharp Knives and Stupid Humans Extravaganza" and ends with the incredible "Fire Finale." Come laugh, cheer, and become a part of the action
Performing All Season
Halfwit Harbor
Shows at 2:30pm, 4:00pm, 5:30pm and their Fire Finale at 8:00pm
Old Soul Silk Road
These three world travelers stop by Newcastle to regale you with tunes from foreign lands, full of mystery, intrigue and fun
Performing All Season
Brewer's Pub
Check stage sign for schedule
Birds of Prey
In addition to a presenting a majestic Falconry exhibition, this complete bird show includes hawks, eagles, owls and vultures. You'll be astounded as these spectacular birds exhibit their free-flight skills directly over the heads of the audience Presented by Earthquest. See them in their new spot - Marrakech Mews Stage - wide open for excellent bird viewing
The greatest free-flying bird show in America. - Jim Fowler, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and NBC's The Today Show
Performing All Season
Marrakech Mews Stage
Check stage sign for show times
New Doc Dixon
Doc Dixon has presented his magic and comedy in venues across the globe - even two shows at The White House, The Late Late Show with James Corden, and Fooling magic legends Penn & Teller on Penn & Teller: Fool Us — Doc brings a special mix of amazement and hilarity.
Performing All Season
Fool's Knoll Stage
Check stage sign for schedule
The Barehead Bards
The Barehead Bards perform pub song staples along with classic fiddle tunes. These bards always have fun and put on an entertaining show.
Performing All Season
Drunk Monk Pub & Brewer's Pub
Check stage signs for schedule
Free Juggling School
Are you convinced you can never learn to juggle? Sir William Drops will prove you wrong Sir Will is a master juggler and has been teaching juggling for over 30 years, and really enjoys a challenge. Learn to juggle and receive an official certificate to prove it. And it's free...
Performing All Season
Old Towne Area
Lessons every hour on the hour
The Shipwreckers
This duo of bawdy balladeers have washed ashore at the Georgia Renaissance Festival, and you know what that means: naughty tunes, drinking songs, and mayhaps even a heart-felt ballad or two
Performing All Season
Brewer's Pub, Middleton Stage, and Drunk Monk Pub
Check stage signs for schedule
Shenanigans are known for just that - mischievous music and melodies A trio of wand'ring Irish bards, they will steal your heart and anything else they can get ahold of
Performing All Season
Brewer's Pub
Check stage sign for schedule
Iggy the Gargoyle
We're celebrating a Decade of Iggy Join Festival fan-favorite Ignias Rockford III (Gargoyle From the Left on the Cathedral Wall) as his stone face brings a smile to yours.
Performing All Season
In the lanes
All day
The Peachtree Handspinners Guild
Throughout the day, the spinners of Newcastle tell tales and spin yarns sharing the history of textiles. Watch the hand spinners create beautiful yarns out of colorful wool, straight out of the dye pot Learn about traditional women's work and what it took to clothe the world. Located just inside the Front Gate.
Demonstrating All Season
Old Towne Area
Spinning all day
Rota Temporis
They Are Back Rota Temporis is a five person, high-energy Celtic band from Italy. The focus on medieval music but with a decidedly heavy metal approach The driving sound of their pipes and drums might just knock you off your bench Don't Miss the end-of-day Front Gate Jam.
Performing All Season
King's Hall Stage
Shows at 12:15pm, 1:45pm, 3:30pm and their Front Gate Jam at 6:00pm
Cast in Bronze Carillon
4 tons of bronze bells fill the Festival with their majestic sound You'll be enchanted by the melodies and energy produced by the 35 bells of the Carillon and Carillonneur Charlie St. Cyr-Paul.
Performing All Season
Tavern on the Hill
Performances at 11:00am, 12:15pm, 1:30pm, and 4:00pm
New Hanlon-Lees Action Theater
The King has called forth the best knights throughout the kingdom to perform their skills for his loyal subjects on this Festival day. Costumed steeds, authentic weaponry, and noble knights in shining armor highlight the action and romance of the period
Performing All Season
Joust Arena
Tournaments at 11:30 am, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Pub Crawl Special Event
Join our Crew for a Pub Crawl
Every Festival Day at 12:30pm, 1:15pm, and 3:00pm, our resident cut-purses and scallywags host a rowdy and bawdy voyage to each of Newcastle's drinking establishments. You'll meet at the Brewer's Pub where you'll get a souvenir tankard to hold yer grog, enjoy some fine beer-drinking entertainment, make your way to the Drunk Monk Pub (and our secret stage just for you), and finally make port at the Tavern on the Hill. Along the way you'll be served a beer at each pub, be forced to listen to bad jokes, puns and/or riddles, hear some great music, and play a few bawdy drinking games while maintaining your sea legs Huzzah
This is an additional ticket and does not include admission into the Festival. Pub Crawls are rated R.
Tickets are just $45 available online - get yours when you plan your trip
Only 30 spots available for each Pub Crawl, so don't wait
Tavern on the Hill, Drunk Monk Pub & Brewer's Pub
Each Festival day at 12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, and 3:00pm
New Zoltan the Adequate
Brilliant? Amazing? No, just adequate Come see feats of bizarre geek magic and stunts of sheer stupidity Watch and cringe as Zoltan plays with fire, swallows a four-foot balloon, and more. Zoltan will fool you, delude you about how you were fooled, deceive you about that delusion, and then bamboozle you about the deception. Surely a curiosity to be reckoned with.
Performing April 12 Thru May 11 Only
Crown Stage
Check stage sign for schedule
New Tuey - Comic Juggler
Tuey has been providing laughter and awe for over 40 years with his clean quality entertainment. He will have you laughing, gasping and applauding as you watch a display of skill that is awe inspiring and a perfect blend of family friendly comedy, jaw dropping skills, and danger.
Performing All Season
Middleton Stage
Check stage for show times
Washing Well Wenches
The Washing Well Wenches are the funniest pair of "ladies" you'll ever meet Part vaudeville, part sketch comedy, full-on entertaining, the Washing Well Wenches make interactive theater fun for everyone See their new show in their new location on the Garden Cottage Stage
Performing All Season
Garden Cottage Stage
11:30am, 1:00pm, 3:15pm and 5:00pm
Boom Boom Shake
With middle eastern roots and a modern vibe, Boom Boom Shake blends rock, world, surf and jam genres together to create a signature sound. BBS will dazzle with world. Bring your dancing shoes, because you won't be able to resist the groove
Performing All Season
Fool's Knoll
Check stage for show times
Audience with Queen Amina of Zazzou
Meet Queen Amina, visiting African royalty
Crown Stage
Audience begins at 12:00pm
Judas & Magnolia
This husband and wife team will amaze and astound you with their fearless escapes and illusions
Performing All Season
King's Hall Stage
Check stage for show times
Charry Garcia - One Man Band
Charry Garcia is a magician when it comes to creating beautiful music on a various array of instruments - all by himself You'll be amazed at the melodies he conjures forth
Performing All Season
Middleton Stage
Check stage for show times
Friar Finnias Finnegan
A proud member of the Bawdy Bodacious Bothersome Brown Bohemian Brethren, this fun-loving Friar will delight you with songs of drinking and merriment
Performing All Season
Drunk Monk Pub
Check stage for show times
The Reelin' Rogues
From the hills and the seas come The Reelin' Rogues, a bardic band of rebels committed to upholding the monuments of the Celts through song.
Performing All Season
Marrakech Mews Stage
Shows at 12:15 pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 5:00 pm
The Lady Victoria
The Lady Victoria specializes in Celtic and Early music on the Hammered Dulcimer. She mixes education and entertainment in a high energy show. Great for kids and music lovers of all ages.
Performing All Season
Playing in the lanes, and on the Middleton Stage
Check stage for show times
New Celtic Mayhem
Performing "rockin' Irish music" at Renaissance, Celtic, Pirate, and Medieval faires throughout the United States, these talented musicians create a rocking, raucous good time wherever they perform
Performing May 31 & June 1 Only
Crown Stage
Check stage signs for schedule
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The Children's Courtier's Academy
Join King Henry and the Royal Court and learn proper manners and customs of the Court. You might received a special commendation from the King himself
All Season
Middleton Stage
Check stage for show times
The Puppies of Penzance
This brisk, energetic act takes audiences on a jolly trip on a pirate ship manned by pups. Always a favorite, audiences will be blown away by this merry band of mutts and will watch with baited breath to see if Poochie will really walk the plank
Performing All Season
Halfwit Harbor Stage
Shows at 11:45am, 1:45pm and 3:45pm
From the highlands of Scotland, and the Moor-infested lands of Spain, these two men met upon the high seas and decided to share their love of Celtic and pirate music with the masses.
Performing All Season
Photo credit: SoulCatching Photography
Brewer's Pub Stage and Drunk Monk Pub Stage
Check stage for show times
Queen Amina and her Court
Aminatu the warrior Queen has traveled from her homeland of the Hausa tribe in western Africa to Newcastle to learn about new cultures and to share her own. Watch and listen as she challenges her nation's status quo of male dominance and female submission. As queen, she seeks to honor and represent her people; as a woman, she hopes to be an inspiration to women everywhere to find and harness their power.
Performing All Season
Throughout the Village
All day
The Hounds of Fairhaven
The Hounds of East Fairhaven are a group of volunteers and sighthound owners who enjoy bringing Renaissance history to life. They educate patrons about the role our beloved sighthound breeds played in history. Currently, members of HoEF have Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Whippets, Borzoi, Afghan Hounds, Scottish Deerhounds, Ibizan hounds, Salukis, and Bloodhounds. They also love to share their hounds and promote sighthound adoption and responsible dog ownership.
In the lanes
On display all day
Additional Dates: