Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival

Friday, Apr 18, 2025 at 6:30am

Various Venues at Arcata, CA

Welcome to the 2025 godwit days festival

Schedule of Events

6:30-8:30am: Dawn Chorus - Arcata Marsh 2 - Interpreti - $10
6:30-9:30am: Shorebird Spectacle At The Arcata Marsh 2 - Arcata Mar - $15
7:30-10:30pm: Arcata Mad River Parks - Arcata Com - $15
7:45-1pm: Sue Meg State Park - Arcata Com
8am-1pm: Bear River Ridge - $25
8:15am-12:15pm: Seawood Cape Preserve
9am-3pm: Birding North To Trinidad With Lunch At Seas - $30
1pm-5pm: Spotted Owl Trip 1 - $25
7:45pm-9:15pm: Arcata Marsh Night Hike - $15
8-12pm: Humboldt Botanical Garden - Humboldt B - $20
8:15-11:15am: Freshwater Farms Reserve Trail - Arcata Com
8:30-12:30pm: North Jetty Sea Watch & Woodley Island - Arcata Com - $20
8:30-12:30pm: Sequoia Zoo And Park - Sequoia Pa - $25
8:30-3pm: Conifers & Birds Of Horse Mountain - Arcata Com - $50
9-3pm: Birding South To Ferndale With Lunch At Tuyas - Humboldt B - $30
9:30-2:30pm: Late Risers Birding Trip - Arcata Com - $20
4-5pm: Kids' Owl Pellet Dissection Workshop - Arcata Com
5-6:30pm: Opening Reception - Arcata Com
6:30-8pm: Friday Night Keynote With Michael Kauffmann - Arcata Com

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