Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival

Saturday, Apr 19, 2025 at 5:00am

Various Venues at Arcata, CA

Welcome to the 2025 godwit days festival

Schedule of Events

5am-8:30am: Marbled Murrelets 1 - $20
7am-1pm: Kneeland Loop & Coastal Prairies - $25
7:30am-4pm: Humboldt's Best Birding Spots - $80
7:30am-10:30am: Shorebird Spectacle At The Arcata Marsh 3 - $15
9am-3pm: California Condors 1 - $125
9:30am-2:30pm: Herpetology Trip - $25
1pm-5pm: Spotted Owls 2 - $25
6:30-8:30am: Dawn Chorus - Potowat Health Village - Arcata Com - $10
6:30-12pm: Blue Lake Cottonwoods & Mad River Fish Hatche - Arcata Com - $25
6:30-12:30pm: Humboldt Lagoons Hotspots - Arcata Com - $30
7-5pm: Big Day Carpool Competition 1 - Arcata Com - $80
7-12:30pm: Horse Mountain & High Elevation Habitats - Arcata Com - $25
7:15-1:15pm: Birding With The Keynote Speaker Rosemary Mos - Arcata Com - $125
7:15-12:15pm: **** Robin Island And Loleta Bottoms - Arcata Com - $20
8-12pm: Birding Photography - Arcata Com - $15
8-3pm: Spring Shorebird Id Workshop - Arcata Com - $35
8:45-10:45: Beginning Birding At The Arcata Community Cen - Arcata Com - $10
9-1pm: Birds, Bikes, And Brews - Redwood Cu - $20
9:30-11:30am: Kids Birding & Nature Walk At The Arcata Mars - Arcata Mar
9:30-12:30pm: River Otters Of The Arcata Marsh - Arcata Com - $15
12-3:30pm: Dune Ecology & Humboldt Coastal Nature Ctr - Arcata Com
12:30-3:30pm: Native Plant Walk - Arcata Com
2:30-3:30pm: Binoculars & Scopes Lecture - Out Of Thi
5-6:45pm: Banquet - Arcata Com - $40
7-8:30pm: Saturday Night Keynote With Rosemary Mosco - Arcata Com - $10

View all events in the Biggers area