Greenleaf Trail Run

Saturday, Jan 25, 2025 at 9:00am

12022 Greenleaf Rd

We will be hosting the 8th Annual Greenleaf Trail Run on Saturday, January 25, 2025.  This run will have a distance for everyone with a 4 mile run,  8 mile run, 12 mile run, or a virtual option. The run will stay inside the park property. It will consist of a 4+ mile loop. The trail is considered a moderately technical trail. This year the trail will consist of dirt, asphalt, and rocky terrain.       

You must have your packet picked up 10 minutes before the start. There will be no late starts. Due to the loop style course we need to stay strictly on time. Please make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get your packet. If you would like to switch distances you will need to arrange that before your race starts. To keep things fair if you start your distance and want to drop that will result in a DNF. I'm sorry for this rule but we want to make it fair to the people that start each distance.

Awards & Finishers Prizes: Top 3 Male and Female in each event will be awarded a custom trophy and all  finishers will receive a custom finishers medal.

Click Here For Registration:

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