Laredo Birding Festival

Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 at 5:30am

La Posada Hotel
1000 Zaragoza Street

The best littlest birding festival along the Rio Grande!

Schedule of Events:

Birding Trips:

Depart 5:30 am - 7:00 am / Return by 2:30 pm
Depart from/return to La Posada Hotel (Lobby)
Hot breakfast at hotel

5:30 am - 7:00 am: Check In - La Posada Hotel, Hibiscus Room, 3rd Floor
Pick up registration packet

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm: Banquet with Keynote Speaker - Greg Miller - La Posada Hotel San Agustin Ballroom, 907 Zaragoza
$50 - Presentation and Mexican buffet to say hasto luego

Click Here to Register