
Sunday, Mar 23, 2025

Pow Mia parkway

Welcome to the 2nd Annual LOOPAPALOOZA presented by Sombrero Running Events where you will be running/walking on a 1.25 mile paved loop 3/4 asphalt road 1/4 concrete walking path with a short grassy loop at the end, and surrounded by beautiful pine trees that nicely shade the course throughout the day for a 14k or 3/ 6/ 12 hrs. New this year will be the Russ Hartzell CHALLENGE AKA " The Russ" where you will do a 5k saturday morning March 22 at Ed Austin Regional Park at 7:30am and then Saturday Evening March 22 at 5:30pm do a 10k at the Halsema Trailhead of the Baldwin Rail Trail and then run any of the distances offered on Sunday. If you complete " The Russ" you will get a special custom " The Russ" medal as well as a regular Loopapalooza medal. We will not have any different awards for " The Russ" except Mike the RD will most likely think of something in line with Rule 62 to giveaway because he needs a " giveaway intervention". This a pancake flat and FAST course on a former active military base ( Cecil Field ).

So if you want to do the challenge you will need to register under " The Russ" for the distance that you also want to do on sunday, so if you want to run the 6 hour event in conjunction with the " The Russ" you will register for The Russ 6 hour. If you dont want to do the entire challenge then just register as if you usually would.

Click Here For Registration:

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