8:00am-4:30pm: Satellite parking shuttle bus running
8:00am: Courses open for preview
8:00am: Day-of Registration Opens (Welcome Center)
-10:00am-2:00pm: Story Ski, Mini-Marathon & Memory Course, Glitter Table, Terrain
Park, Agility Course, and Radar Run open; refer to facility map for exact locations
-10:00am-2:00pm: Demonstrations of snow painting, snow sculpting, sit skiing, weather
reporting, biathlon (Saturday only); refer to facility map for exact locations
9:45am-3:30pm: Freestyle relays and awards by grade (Between Welcome Center and Warming
Tent on snow)
9:45am: Grades 1-2 Freestyle Relay (2 x 1km loop)
10:25am Girls Grade 3-4 Freestyle Relay (2 x 1km loop)
11:15am: Boys Grade 3-4 Freestyle Relay (2 x 1km loop)
12:00pm: Participants line up for Festival Parade (By arches in Stadium)
12:15pm: PARADE! (Ski around the Stadium, led by our Wicked mascot)
12:30pm: RELAY AWARDS for Grades 1-2 and 3-4 (Between Welcome Center and Warming
Tent on snow)
12:30-1:30pm: Autograph Session with Bill Koch
1:00pm: Girls Grade 5-6 Freestyle Relay (2 x 2km loop)
1:30pm: Boys Grade 5-6 Freestyle Relay (2 x 2km loop)
2:00pm: Girls Grade 7-8 Freestyle Relay (2 x 2km loop)
2:30pm: Boys Grade 7-8 Freestyle Relay (2 x 2km loop)
3:10pm: RELAY AWARDS for Grades 5-6 and 7-8 (Between Welcome Center and Warming Tent
on snow)
6:00-7:00pm: District Chair Bib Pickup, by district
Additional Dates: