Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 at 12:00pm
The Ohio Wesleyan University Performing Arts Department is excited to announce the OWU Honor Band Festival for band students in grades 7-12. Music students and their directors are invited to rehearse and perform with distinguished conductors and applied music faculty for an enriching 2-day event of rehearsals, clinics, concerts, and more.
12:00 p.m: Chamber concert for the Percussion Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, and Woodwind Ensemble.
2:00 p.m: Grand Finale Concert for all honor ensembles.
Festival Fees
$90 per student covers all festival activities with conductors and clinicians, full dining hall buffet lunch and dinner on Friday, and a commemorative t-shirt.
Festival fees not received by the due date (Monday, January 13, 2025) may result in the loss of a student’s spot in their ensemble.
Additional Dates: