6am - Fishing Tournament Begins
Only a Perchville button is required for to register a fish. Registration will take place when your fish is brought to the weigh-in. Must be present at the Awards Ceremony in the Hospitality tent, Lunch is provided. To see the complete list of rules please click Fishing Rules
4-8pm - Fish Dinner, The Collective (821 Newman St.)
5-9pm - Hospitality Tent – DJ Chris Redburn, Harbor Park Parking Lot
Celebrate Perchville with plenty of fun, adult beverages, and live entertainment. The heated tent is in Harbor Park parking lot, next to the State Dock. Beverage tickets will be $5 (cash only) and are available for purchase only in the tent. Perchville button and photo ID required for entry. (must be 21) Buttons will be available for purchase at the door.
5pm - Cornhole Tournament, Hospitality Tent
Hosted by Third Coast Cornhole, registration is required electronically through the Scoreholio app or by clicking this link Price per team is $40. Check-in will begin at 4:30 in the Hospitality Tent, Tournament will begin at 5. Must be 21 and have a Perchville Button to enter.
7-9pm - Perchville School Dance (4th-7th graders) Tawas Area High School Commons
Put on by the Tawas Braves PTO. Dance for 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th graders. Held at the Tawas Area High School Commons, kids from all schools are welcome. Entry is $5 and a concessions stand will be available.
Additional Dates: