Power of Truths Arts and Education Festival

Friday, Apr 5, 2024 at 9:00am

BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity
130 Pine St, Northampton, MA 01062, USA

The Power of Truths Arts & Education Festival envisions a world where arts and education are utilized to bring about communities where justice and equity are the standards, not outliers. We center the practice that the arts and humanities are powerful tools to envision and create a more just world.

The 3rd Annual Power of Truths Arts & Education Festival builds on the previous year’s event with even more thought provoking and inspiring presenters, performances, talks, panels, and workshops with the purpose of inspiring educators and learners to focus on the intersections between arts and education as tools for power that build toward a just and equitable society.

Festival Schedule:


9:30 AM: OPENING WORDS (Sanctuary)

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Sanctuary) | Multimedia Films for Racial Justice | Self-Evident Education

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Green Room) | Sankofa: 4th Dimensional Visions Informed By the Past | Khalif Neville

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Peacock Room) | International Collaborations and Multi-Cultural Visual Storytelling Work | Bayeté Ross Smith

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Music Room) | Documenting Black Lives in the Valley | Ousmane Power-Greene, Carol Aleman, Dylan Gafney and Cliff McCarthy

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Cafeteria) | Popups/cards and books | Rochelle Shicoff

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Classroom 1) | Farm the Power | Nina Buxenbaum

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Classroom 2) | How Can Public Schools Utilize All Stakeholders in the Disruption and Dismantling of White Dominant Culture? | Marisa Mendonsa & Brian Reilly

10:30 AM: Session 1 (Outside) | The African-American History Trail | David Ruggles Center

11:45 AM: LUNCH

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Sanctuary) | The Witness Stone Project

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Green Room) | Sankofa: 4th Dimensional Visions Informed By the Past | Khalif Neville

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Peacock Room) | Hiphop History and Hiphop as History: The Elements | Akrobatik, DJ Trends, and Jeff Jean Phillippe

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Music Room) | Multimedia Films for Racial Justice | Self-Evident Education

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Cafeteria) | Student Filmmaking and Project Based Learning | Henry Frechete and students

12:45 PM: Session 2 (Outside) | The African-American History Trail | David Ruggles Center

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM: CLOSING WORDS (Sanctuary) | Keynote Session | Malia Lazu: Looking Back, So We Can Look Ahead | Akrobatik: The Hiphop Curriculum

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