The Reno Latin Dance Fest is a fun 4 day dance festival featuring internationally recognized dance instructors, World class dance showcases, competitions plus social dancing and dance parties.
Registration Opens
Near Silver Baron D in Silver Legacy
9:00AM - 6:30PM:
Go Shopping in our Calle Ochi- Shopping District
Dance Shoes, Body Suits, Men’s Suits, Women’s Fashion, Dance make-up and Jewelry.
9:00AM - 4:45PM
Friday Dance Workshops
10AM - 1:15PM:
Tech Rehearsal
10AM - 12PM (noon)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Advanced Salsa On2 Training
by Osmar Perrones and Yamulee
For Advanced Salsa On2 Dancers,
Team Direc-rs and Instruc-rs
10AM - 12PM (noon)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Fundamentals of Sensual Bachata
Sergio Jasso of Jasso Dance
Friday - Jack and Jill Social Dance Competition
Silver Legacy Grand Expo Hall - Mixed Music Room
10:45 AM: Beginner Salsa
12:15 PM: Intermediate Salsa/Bachata
Finals for Intermediate Salsa/Bachata at 11:15PM (after the shows)
10AM - 12PM (noon)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Fundamentals of Salsa On2
De’jon and Clo of Tropik Vybe Dance Co.
Friday Afternoon Social
1:00PM - 6:30PM
Location: Rumbulions Back Patio in Silver Legacy (across from Festival Registration)
$20 at the door
7:00PM Doors Open - Showroom
7:30PM - 10:30PM
Dance Showcase in the Grand Expo Showroom
Fashion Show during Friday’s Show Intermission
Jack and Jill Finals
Intermediate Salsa/Bachata
Watch finalists compete by dancing with the Judges
12:00 Midnight:
Halloween Party in the Mixed Music Room
Hosted by Bryon and Sammantha and Inessence Dance Co.
Win Full Festival Pass - 2026 Reno Latin Dance Fest
Friday Dress Up Theme - Halloween
10:30PM - 6:00AM:
Social Dancing and Parties