River To River Festival

Thursday, Jun 20, 2024 at 8:00pm

Various Venues in New York


8:00 p.m: Tremor at Federal Hall
Samita Sinha
In this special iteration of Tremor, presented in the resonant space of Federal Hall, Samita Sinha and Cecilia Vicuña infuse their vibrations and lineages into the dense history and monumentality of the site.

8:00 p.m - 10:30 p.m: Thick Wake at Black Gotham Experience
Leslie Cuyjet
Leslie Cuyjet presents a new video installation considering systemic barriers for Black access to swimming and her own upbringing with swim lessons and competitions.

7:00 p.m: Whale fall abyss at the South Street Seaport Museum
mayfield brooks
Choreographer mayfield brooks presents whale fall abyss in the cargo hold of the Tall Ship Wavertree, calling up ghosts and ancestors from the intersecting histories of whalers and slave ships.

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