Run for Kids Challenge

Saturday, Jun 15, 2024 at 7:00am

200 Terrace Dr

The RUN FOR KIDS CHALLENGE was our first race ever to put on, back in 2011. That year, the race was held at Veteran's Park in Hoover, by Spain Park High School. The race was on Memorial Day weekend and the high reached over 100 deg. that day. There was a lot of carnage!

I did the RIDE OF LOVE in about 2008.The ride is 150 miles from Tuscaloosa to Children's Harbor on Lake Martin. We arrived during a Smile-A-Mile family camp. That year riders raised over $70,000 dollars for Camp SAM, as it was called then. There were people and kids everywhere when we arrived and we didn't know which were kids with cancer and which were family. When we presented the check, all the cancer survivors gathered around. Seeing all those kids, probably 25 or 30 from 6 or 8 years of age to 15 or 16 was heart breaking. At a time in their lives when the biggest problem in their life should have getting tomorrows homework done, the had been through a struggle for their lives. I had waned to do more for Smile-A-Mile after that and in 2011 we started the Run for Kids. I never kept up with total donations we have been able to make through the RFK but I am pretty sure we pass $100,000 several years ago. Some years we were able raise as much as $18,000 in additional donations from runners.

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