Shake Your Shamrock

Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 at 11:00am

Kellys Korner Bar and Grill
7098 Centerville Road

Shake Your Shamrock. This flat and fast course conveniently located just north of St. Paul in Centerville offers free parking close to the start and finish. Hospitality provided by Kelly's Korner Bar. 

There's a distance for every ability - 5k and 7k on paved trails that are both stroller and pet friendly while also accommodating the competitive runner.

Distance Options

5k | 3.1 mile run

7k | 4.35 mile run

FREE Professional photography

Chip timing

All finishers receive a custom finisher medal

Includes a themed necklace

Receive free beer with racing bib at Kelly's Korner (must be 21 or older with valid ID)

Free parking by race start

Fast flat course

Course Map

Race Schedule

10:00am - Registration and packet pick-up opens at Kelly’s Korner Bar

10:50am - Registration closes 

10:50am - 7k Athletes assemble at race start

10:55am - 7k Race announcements at race start

11:00am - 7k starts

11:05am - 5k Athletes assemble at race start

11:05am - 5k Race announcements at race start 

11:10am - 5k starts

12:00pm - Awards at Kelly’s Korner Bar 

Top overall male and female athletes

Top 3 male and female athletes in each age group (19 and Under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place age group winners will receive an age group award ribbon they will attach to their finisher medal. Overall male and female winners are not eligible for age group awards (no double dipping).

age groups may be adjusted to 10 year ranges if registration numbers are low 

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