Schedule Of Events
8:00am-9:00 pm
8.00 am-5.00 pm - Hertoge fent demanitratos located in the block building
11:00 am - Chicken Bar
12:00 noon-US. Rog Ceremony and Prayer National Anthem sung by Donna McMillen)
2:00 pm - Threshing and Baling Straw
3:30 pm - Chicken Bar-BQ
4.30 pm - Old Fashioned Parade
6:00 pm-9:00 pm - Soucane Dancing (in block building) Keepin Simple
7:30 pm - Flea Market/Craft Area Closes
Children's Activities Tent
Bring your kids for a fun-filled weekend.
Coloring Contest
Corn Boxes
Pedal Cart Track
Bean-Bag Toss
Antique Farm Machinery
Antique steam engine gas engines, tractors & farm equipment demonstrations and displays.
Straw Baling
Circular Sawmill
Corn Husking
Ensilage Cutting
Historical re-enactor encampments on grounds
Heritage Demonstrations
Heritage demonstrators are now located at the block building. Working Artisan craftspeople will be demonstrating
Trapping and others
Good Country Food
A wide selection of country foodswillbe available including delicious sausage saridwiches, roast pork sandwiches, and scrapple to take home.
-Also- Chicken Bar-B-Q Fresh Baked Pies Fresh Apple Cider Homemade open kettle soups and more!
Special Attractions
National Wild Turkey Federation Sherman's Valley Strutters Home of the Legends sanctioned turkey-calling contest held Saturday after the Old Fashioned Parade. For info.. phone Brenda Beat at 717-979-0920.
Jake's Take Aim 88 gun frailer airgun range will be present all weekend (weather permitting). For info phone Joe Saylor at 717-903-2307
Chalk Talk presentation at Church Service-
Hatchet-Throwing at the Frontierman's Camp. Civil War artillery firing demonstrations.
Stop by our Heritage Days building for a membership. We also offer a variety of hats, T-shirts, hot pins, sweatshirts, raffle tickets, and plaques.
Admission $2.00 per Adult
Children under 12, FREE!