Splash and Dash - TRI Clear Lake Triathlon

Friday, May 23, 2025 at 6:30pm

205 Main Avenue

The kids will start the swim at City Beach and swim North along the shore until they reach the swim exit.  7-10 year old's will swim 100 meters 11-15 year old's will swim out a little deeper and complete a 200 meter swim exiting in the same location as the younger kids.  Both courses will have numerous lifeguards in the water and safety personnel on site ensuring a safe and fun swim.

As the swimmers exit, they will enter the transition area where they can change into their running shoes and hit the road.  The 7-10 year old's will complete a 1k  lap around City Park, kids 11-15 will complete a 2k run down North Lakeview Dr, turn around and come back to 1st Ave. N. and continue East and run around the top portion of City Park to finish line. Volunteers will be on site to ensure runners are going the correct direction.  There will be one aid station as the runners exit transition with water and sports drink. All athletes will receive a finisher medal & a TRI Clear Visor at the finish line! Refreshments will also be provided.

Click here For Registration:

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