Stonyfield Earth Day 5K

Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 at 9:00am

Londonderry West Soccer Fields

Event Schedule:

5k Start: 9:00am

Kids Fun Run Start: 10:15am

5K Course

The 3.1 mile course starts and finishes in Londonderry’s West Soccer Complex and runs a big loop through one of Londonderry’s finest neighborhoods.  The finish is back in the West Soccer Complex and is just steps away from the Stonyfield Organic Earth Day Fair.

Lil’ Calf Dash

100 yard fun runs for boys and girls in 3 different age divisions (4 & younger, 5-6, 7-8)

Overall and Age Group Awards

Awards will be given to the Top 3 Overall Men & Women based on GunTime, as well as the top 3 male and female in each 5-yr age group based on NetTime (12 and under, 13-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34 … 80+). Stop by the Awards Tent following the race to claim your award. Awards will not be mailed after the event.

Click Here For Registration:



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