Celebrating 15 years in 2025!
Featuring over 70 local and regional makers, artists, and crafters Unglued: Craft Fest features traditional crafting techniques with a fresh, new flare and lots of midwest love!
-Shop Local
-Get Crafty
-Have fun!
Crafty Lounge is Open!
Fest admission is FREE both Fri & Sat, but you can amp up the crafty fun Friday night 4-8pm in our ticketed Crafty Lounge! Includes 3 projects to make!
Lounge Tickets
Crafty Schedule:
4-8pm: Craft Fest opening night (free admission)
Shop opening night of the 15th Annual Unglued: Craft Fest and our 70+ local and regional makers! Enjoy the Local Libations Lounge in Buffalo Court (in front of the new Von Maur), tunes by DJ Pretty Ricky, grab a scavenger hunt from our info booth to complete, stop around to make a free Fest Flair item in 3 different spots around the Mall (you'll find these on the map!), grab a ticket for the Crafty Lounge, and more below!
4-8pm: Crafty Lounge open (tickets available HERE)
Grab tickets ($22) to enjoy one helluva crafty, fun night! Located next to Macy's in the Color in Motion Gallery this lounge will include 3 crafts: charm jewelry with All That Glitters, screenprinting a pennant by A Meandering Maker, and our annual succulent with a teeny octopus plant stick. More HERE!
4-8pm: Free Friday Fest Flair
Find 3 free easy make and takes to create inspired by our Fest poster around the mall! These are self-guided so be sure to help your kiddos if they create! You'll find a station in each of these areas: Best Buy/Aquarium Court, Macys/Center Court, and Von Maur/Buffalo Court.