The Vermontville Maple Syrup Festival enjoys a rich history that stretches as far back to the time of swing dancing, Amos ‘n’ Andy, The Andrews Sisters, and zoot suits. Part of reworking our digital presence includes digitizing and archiving the festival’s 80-plus year history for future generations to enjoy. These archives will be curated as time permits. Enjoy!
Schedule of Events
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. - Maple Valley Band Boosters Pancake Dinner - Fire Station
Adults $10, Children $5, Toddlers $2
5:00 – 10:00 p.m. - Carnival Rides Family Fun Tyme Amusement
6:00 p.m. - Official Grand Opening Greeting, Invocation and Introduction of Grand Marshal Presentation of Queen and Court - Main Stage
After Opening - Talent Show - E-mail Nikki Trowbridge by Apr. 21 to register! - Main Stage
Dusk - (Approx. 9 p.m.) - Fireworks Display Wolverine Fireworks - near Vermontville Bible Church
Additional Dates: