The Westside Cooperative Preschool's annual Friendship Run takes place at McClane Elementary. Join us as we walk, jog, stroll or run about a mile around a paved path that circles McClane and the preschool. There will be lawn games, face painting, a tie dye station, an ice cream truck and a raffle! We will provide a few light snacks and every child who participates will also get a prize at the finish line. The face painting and tie dye booths will be dontation based with all donations going directly to the preschool.
The Friendship Run will take place at 10am on April 27th. Please arrive at 9:30, park in the McClane school parking lot and proceed to reigstration upon arrival to check in and pick up any Friendship Run shirts that were ordered.
Things to bring: Water bottles, Cameras, white clothing or other fabric items for the tie dye booth, cash or card for purchasing extra raffle tickets, ice cream, and donations for face painting and tie dye.
We will proceed rain or shine so please dress appropriately for the weather.