Winter Fest

Thursday, Feb 6, 2025

Various Venues in Cazenovia , NY

It's almost time for Cazenovia's Winterfest and we are excited to be able to bring you a robust line-up of events including the second annual Winterfest Medallion Hunt!

Last year, our winner found the medallion much too quickly, so this year we plan on making it a bit more challenging! Click here to learn about our 2024 winner.

Here's how it all works...

We've hidden a Cazenovia Winterfest Medallion in a public spot someplace in Cazenovia. Solve the clues, find the medallion and win $250 from Caz Life.

Schedule of Events:

All-Day: Medallion Hunt around Cazenovia: One clue will be posted each morning at 8am. For rules, regulations, and  (sponsored by Thomas Tait, Realtor)

All-Day: Family Friendly Main St. Story Stroll  “The World Needs More Purple People” by  Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart Pick up a route map at the Library or Carriage Barn Books  and take a stroll down Albany St, stopping to look in at the marked store fronts. Our Farmstead 1868 lavender bears will help kids decipher the map's riddle. Find the answer and return to the Library/Carriage Barn Books (during operating hours) for a prize (sponsored by Thomas Tait, Realtor)

All-Day: Team Scavenger Hunt (Co-Sponsored by The Cazenovia Public Library &  Thomas Tait, Realtor) Winter blues have you house-bound? Rally a team and set out to find some fun around the community. Register your team and pick up a packet of prompts (ex. having fun in the snow) at the Library beginning Thursday Feb 6th at 10am. Your scavenger hunt packet contains a list of activities or scenes you need to photograph. Complete them all or be selective. Monday morning we'll score your team's findings to name a first, second, and third place. Prizes sponsored by Thomas Tait, Realtor.  More details provided upon registration. Register at Scoring detail: All submitted photos will earn 1 pts.  If your photo shows creativity and originality 2pts.  One picture of every prompt will be selected as a favorite and awarded 3pts.

6PM - 7:30PM: Community Handknit Show Artist Reception at The Cazenovia Public Library Meet the artists of their February show and celebrate their displayed work. Awards will be announced at this time, presented by our panel of judges. Free and open to the public. (Library Art Gallery)



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