Winter Solstice Half Marathon Trail Race

Saturday, Dec 21, 2024 at 8:30am

John Bryan State Park
3790 State Route 370

Course Info:

Registration is in the Campground Shelter. Start in the grassy area across from the campground (main) parking lot.

Mile 1: The runners will start in the grass across the street from the John Bryan Disc Golf Parking Lot. They will run east past the Mountain Bike Trail Parking to get on the Arboretum Loop. They will follow this trail until they turn left on Abracadabra.

Mile 2: Continue following Abracadabra.

Mile 3: Complete Abracadabra and continue straight onto Powerline

Mile 4: Continue following Powerline.

Mile 5: Complete Powerline and turn left onto Arboretum Loop. This transition will have a manned aid station for our participants, including water and liquid electrolytes.

Mile 6: Complete Arboretum Loop and turn left onto Lower Great Scott.

Mile 7 & 8: Continue following Lower Great Scott onto Upper Great Scott where runners will cut across on their right to make their way back towards their next turn off.

Mile 9: Complete this portion of the Upper Great Scott , turn left to go south to hit the Orton Memorial Trail.

Mile 10: Enter the Orton Memorial Trail, heading West.

Mile 11: Complete Orton Memorial Trail, turn left on road to enter back on the Pittsburgh-Cincinnati Stage Coach.

Mile 12: Complete Pittsburgh-Cincinnati Stage Coach, crossing over the bridge to hit the South Gorge Trail.

Mile 13: Complete South Gorge Trail, cross the Little Miami River using the South Gorge Bridge. Take an immediate left towards the John Bryan State Park Picnic Shelter located in the Campground. Runners will complete their half marathon by running the stone steps up to the Campground shelter with the fireplace.


Runners who cross the finish line before the cutoff time will receive a commemorative finisher award.


All Current Members Run for Free (Bring Your Membership Card)

– $10 for ages 15 and up
– Free for ages 14 and under

Click here to Register

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