Yemanja Arts Festival

Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 at 7:00pm

Dance Mission Theater
3316 24th Street

A unique three-night performing arts festival celebrating the spirit of Yemanjá: the Yoruban deity/orixá that represents the ancient, essential, and beautiful nature of water. Inspired by the original Festa de Yemanjá celebrated in Bahia, Brazil, and the resilience of African spiritual practices across the americas, the Yemanjá Arts Festival brings together master artists and young faces from across the Bay Area, Brazil and Cuba. Diverse interpreters of traditional and modern art forms from the African diaspora that pay homage to Yemanjá/Iemanjá/Yemoja/Yemayá through their respective popular folkloric, contemporary and spiritual traditions. This year we are honored to include a solo performance by Rosangela Silvestre along with Expressoes Do Samba: A journey through the sambas of Bahia from Samba do Coboclo to Samba Reggae. We are also excited to reimagine an excerpt from Conceicao Damasceno’s Mistura Brasileira: Do sagrado ao profano, last exhibited in 1999.

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