Adirondack Animal Land

3554 State Highway 30

About Us:

Adirondack Animal Land is a family owned and operated wildlife park designed to provide a home in all natural settings for over 500 animals. We are located on 80 acres of farm land nestled in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains.

Adirondack Animal Land is a wildlife propagation facility. Visitors will see bottle raised bear cubs and wooly baby llamas; as well as dozens of kangaroos, camels and zebras.

Animal Land is dedicated to educating our visitors as well as providing an exciting day. While TV programs are educational, there is nothing quite like standing next to a giraffe, getting nuzzled by a baby llama, hugging a baby miniature donkey or gazing into the eyes of a newborn fawn, to make your appreciate our wonderful world of animals.
