Brook Lawn Farm Market

2325 Lititz Pike

About Us:

Roy and Ruth Erb began farming in 1938, raising a variety of field crops and vegetables. A few years later they planted the first orchards with apples and peaches, and added production of sweet corn, peas, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes.

In 1954, Roy built a temporary structure (pictured right) along the Lititz Pike in order to sell produce to customers. This first stand was dismantled and removed from the site at the end of each season. In 1960, a permanent structure began to take shape. Further construction over the years gradually expanded the retail floor space, work areas, cooler facilities, and parking lot. 

Today, Farmer Jim supervises farm production and harvest. Brook Lawn Farm utilizes environmentally responsible production practices including reduced tillage and no-till operations,  water-conserving drip irrigation systems and integrated pest management. We strive to be good stewards of the land.
