Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie/Tyner Center

2400 Compass Road

Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie is a 32-acre remnant of a tall-grass prairie that once stretched for millions of square miles across North America. Originally developed and financed by the Village of Glenview, the prairie and Interpretive Center allows visitors to gain a better understanding of this unique environment.

At this very special facility you can:

  • View rare native vegetation close-up via walking paths
  • Find over 160 plant species native to this area
  • Look for Red-Tailed Hawks circling in the sky and find out why they are there
  • Discover the many “crayfish” that make their home on the prairie
  • Find out why fires are beneficial for the prairie
  • Learn about the history of the Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie and how it got its name
  • Find out why plants are growing on the roof of the Interpretive Center and see all the features that make it a “green building”
  • Learn what you can do to help our environment