Louisiana Tech University Arboretum

700 W California Avenue

The Louisiana Tech Arboretum was officially dedicated on May 12, 1967. The history of the arboretum started in January 1947 with the establishment of an experimental slash pine (Pinus elliottii) plantation approximately one acre in size. This acre was planted by the first forestry graduating class of 1948. In 1954 an additional five acres were planted with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) with a number of exotic pines obtained from Michigan State University being planted the following year. In 1966 John Kuprionis was commissioned by the current Forestry Department Head Dr. Lloyd Blackwell and Dean of the School of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Hal Barker. The arboretum was established with four major objectives in mind: research, teaching, public education, and recreation. By the time it was dedicated in 1967 the arboretum had grown to approximately 74 acres including a 14 acre pond.
