Madmax Farms

4140 Clarkshaw Road

MadMax Farms was established as a tribute to Maxwell Richard Niemeyer in 2004.

Max was born on September 5, 1999 to Eric and Stephanie Niemeyer.  Shortly after birth the doctors suspected something wasn't quite right.  After a series of test Max was diagnosed with Lissencephaly, a very rare neurological disorder.  The prognosis was devastating for the first time parents, as the doctors gave little hope for development and cognitive function.

Max's first several months were on-going appointments with various types of specialists at Columbus Children's Hospital.  From day on Max beat the odds.  Max was a very happy little boy surrounded by love and hope. Encouraged by small successes we remained cautiously optimistic that Max would someday be able to show expression and ultimately smile.

Seizures were a constant battle, which for the most part were controlled with medication.  Through the assistance of the many specialists at Columbus Children's Hospital and the home health care nurses and therapists, Max thrived.  He was able to nurse and fed from a bottle and spoon for most of his life; and these simple things were huge milestones.