Metuchen Farmers Market

18 Calvin Pl

About Us:

The Metuchen Farmers Market has been in existence since 1997, but has enjoyed a revitalization starting 2011, when it grew from a few farmers to more than a dozen top-notch vendors. Managed entirely by community volunteers, the market hosts four "Jersey Fresh" farmers and other food-first vendors offering cheese, pickles, olives, fresh-baked breads, mozzarella, gluten-free granola, dried fruits/nuts, grass-fed pork, free-range eggs, farmhouse-baked pies and more.

Our farmers range from long-time New Jersey growers like Farmer Al's and Von Thun's to the newly-started woman-farmed transitional-to-organic Whistling Wolf Farm. The variety of vegetables and fruits offered for sale every week is astonishing and mouth-watering.

Season: Summer and Fall

Market Hours:

June 10 - Mid November, 2023

Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Location: Halsey St Commuter Parking Lot, 18 Calvin Pl
