Orangeville Farmers Market

101 North Ewing street at West High Road


Nothing beats the taste of biting into a tomato picked fresh from the vine, or breathing in the scent of bread pulled fresh from the oven. Operating Saturday mornings from May to October the Orangeville Farmers’ Market features the best in fresh produce, fruits, locally raised meats, fish, flowers, home baked goods and unique artisan crafts. Spend time getting to know the vendors who lovingly grew the produce, created mouthwatering treats or crafted one of a kind pieces. Learn where your food is coming from, why you should be eating it and how you can prepare it to please even the pickiest eater at your table.

Season: Summer and Winter

Market Hours:

May - October, 2019
Saturdays, 8am - 1pm

November 2 - December 14, 2019
January 11 - April 18, 2020
Every other Saturdays, 9am - 1pm

Location: 101 North Ewing street at West High Road