Reservoir Community Farm Stand

1469 Reservoir Avenue

Reservoir Community Farm produce grown in Bridgeport for Bridgeport residents

In an effort to provide real opportunity for community evolution in Bridgeport, GVI has completed the first urban farm in the city. The Farm has over one hundred raised garden beds, with a USDA funded high tunnel. It was built by volunteers from the community and is staffed by a team of over 40 local high school and college interns under the direction of a professional farmer.  All food grown on the farm is served in Bridgeport Public Schools and sold to the local neighborhood at subsidized prices. In addition GVI provides ongoing support, seedlings and further educational opportunities to 24 schools with edible gardens in Bridgeport.

Season: Summer

Market Hours:

April - October, 2023
Saturdays, 10am - 2pm

Location: 1469 Reservoir Avenue
